For her most recent series titled Out of the Mothership, Zakiewicz collaborated with musician and Astrophysicist Gavin Starks who composed a hand written letter for the artist at the beginning of 2017. The letter, intimate yet philosophical in nature, discussed Starks ongoing research into combining sound and cosmology, as a new cutural language.
Starks' interest in modes of perception and networked thinking alongside Zakiewicz's enquiry into the phenomenology of drawing is the focus. Starks says: "For me, music, like mathematics, is a non-verbal language. It is experiential". He asks whether our current concerns in astrophysics - for dimensionality, curvature, gravitation, symmetry, spin and manifold mirror those in the arts - leading him to questions such as: "is there a musical equivalent to the CURVATURE of space-time?"
"We can draw interesting parallels between the macro-languages of music and Art over the centuries," Zakiewicz writes. "And the evolution of our understanding of the universe. Our physicality is our cosmic home. Each line drawn with attention to the body and to the drawing itself and our interactions outside of ourselves whether verbal or experiential, moment-to-moment.
Side A
Container I, 2017
Ink, pencils and acrylic on paper
60" x 60" (150 x 150cm)
Side B
Intimacy of Exchange, 2017
Ink, pencils and acrylic on paper
60" x 60" (150 x 150cm)